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Wall Mural Painting Process

SWSA Wall Mural: designed by Jerry Firth  |  Painted by: Jerry, Megan F, Kirsten, Basia, Marleea, and Allysha
“The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change ”
― Heraclitus

Heraclitus, an ancient Greek philosopher, may have been quoted with this statement, but it is the ancient indigenous people of our land which first knew what it meant and shared this wisdom through oral stories. What this quote is referring to is the term "constant flux" - "The assumption that underlies th[e] dualistic aspect of all being and existence is that the world is in motion, that things are constantly undergoing processes of transformation, deformation, and restoration, and that the essence of life and being is movement.” (Witherspoon, 1977, 48).

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