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Awards Available for Students

As a student, awards can be very important, especially one's that have cash. Awards demonstrate your success and achievements and even provide you with some financial support to help pay off your student fees. Below we have created a list of awards which you can be alligible for.


A list of UofC SU awards can be found here

A list of elegible UofL awards can be found here

Laurence Decore Award

As a UofC student, your application must be submitted to Laurie by Feb 12th to be mailed to Calgary, as the deadline for submission is Feb 14th. Forms are available at


Click here for more information




Student of the Year Award (ULSU sponsored)

This is an annual award presented to the student(s) who embodied leadership, commitment, and contributed to the betterment of the U of L students; this may have been exemplified by involvement in clubs, non-profit &/or student organizations, community, and volunteerism.


Click here for more information

Recognition of Excellence

Nominations for the Recognition of Excellence awards are now being accepted! Do you know of a Social WorkSocial Work student who has:


  • enhanced the education of students in the Faculty of Social WorkSocial Work through exceptional leadership? Nominate them for a Student Leadership Award.

  • demonstrated inspirational attitudes and behaviours in class, practica, and/or personal relationships with other students, or persevered while facing significant personal or academic challenges, or inspired other students through particularly compassionate or empowering activities while in the Social Work program? Nominate them for a Personal Achievement Award.

  • demonstrated commitment to social justice, civic engagement, and volunteerism through actions against racism, anti-Semitism, or other forms of injustice? Nominate them for a Social Action Award.

  • demonstrated excellence in activities and achievements in their field practicum during the current academic year? Nominate them for a Field Practicum Award.


The requirements for each award are detailed in the related nomination form. Please submit all nominations electronically to Marion Jaffray by 9 a.m. on Monday, April 21, 2014.


Click here for more information


The names of award recipients will be announced in May.

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